Originally delivered on 10/11/2021 6:00 am

SUBJECT: Weekly Whale 10/10


Our spout out this week go to Michelle Feld and Alicia Hard for successfully kicking off the monthly birthday bashes with the September birthdays celebrated on October 1st!


October 12 – Virtual General PTA Meeting (7:30-9pm)*NOTE DATE CHANGE

October 19-20 - Picture Day

October 21 - BHES Bingo Night Online (6:30-7:30 pm)

October 22 - Birthday Bash (October Birthdays)

November 4 - No School 



Please join the PTA for our first General Membership Meeting of the 2021-2022 school year October 12 @7:30PM via Zoom! Hear updates from our Principal, Ms. Caroscio, meet our Board members and discuss plans for the year ahead. We will vote on approval of Terence Goggin as Co-Membership Board Liaison, Minutes from our May 4 2021 General Membership Meeting, and the BHES PTA 2021-2022 Budget. Please click the links for a full Agenda, May 4 2021 Meeting Minutes, and the proposed BHES PTA 2021-2022 Budget

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 0269 0985
Passcode: 677754

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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)


Did your student have a blast at the Fall Picnic? Look fantastic in a new blue PTA hat? Come home raving about Book Fair fun? Get out of bed on Fridays just for WhaleMart? If so, show your PTA some love by donating HERE today!


Several of BHES's amazing teachers are hosting before or after school student clubs at Bradley Hills this fall. This year there's more variety than ever, but spots are limited and one club is already FULL! For more information and to register click HERE. Check it out before it's too late!

Clubs this fall will offer your child the chance to:  

* Learn the art of problem solving and friendly competition in Math Olympiad Club with Ms. Dyer (4th & 5th Grades)

* Work as a team and foster organizational skills while having FUN in Dungeons & Dragons Club with Mr. Leavitt (4th and 5th Grades)

* Slow down and appreciate the world around them in the Yoga/Mindfulness Club with Ms. Howell (1 - 3rd Grades)

For more information and to sign up click HERE by October 14th!


The Yearbook Committee is now collecting photos for the 2021-2022 Yearbook!  If you have photos from the 1st Day of school, Back to School Picnic, Book Fair, Five Guys, please SUBMIT ALL PHOTOS to: BHESYEARBOOK2021@gmail.com

Don’t forget! Flex classes begin this week! If your child is enrolled in a class, (s)he will go directly to the flex enrichment at the end of the school day and pick up will be at 4:40. (Friday classes begin the following week because this Friday is a half day of school.). You must let your your student's classroom teacher know if your student will be staying after school for after-school activities, such as FLEX Academies classes. Unless the classroom teacher receives an email or note from students' parents/guardians that students are to stay for after-school activities, they will go home the way they normally do. For questions contact Flex at info@flexacademies.com.


Save the date for Halloween Bingo on Thursday, October 21, 2021 6:30pm-7:30pm!   From the comfort of your home, and dressed in your best Halloween attire, join us VIRTUALLY for a fun evening! Lots of ways to support BHES PTA with more details to come soon! Need a sneak peek?
• Dinner from Potomac Pizza
• “Bingo Fun Bags”
• And More!
More details on registering for the event, ordering dinner, and Bingo Fun Bags will be coming soon, STAY TUNED! 


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has a local Parents' Council with a purpose of supporting African-American parents and students of MCPS. If you are interested in learning more about ongoing NAACP activities and connecting with other parents of BHES Black students to discuss issues and priorities for our families, please contact Anne Reid at annemorrisreid@gmail.com


Surveillance COVID testing will begin on Thursday, October 14th. We will have scheduled testing every Thursday we are in school from 10:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Up to 125 students can be tested every Thursday. Families will receive an email from CIAN with test results.  Any positive result will also be shared with school administration. The average turnaround time for test results is 24-36 hours.  All testing will take place in the science lab.  These random COVID-19 screening tests require opt-in (or affirmative) consent by parents, and are individual tests -- rather than the pooled testing procedures used during the last school year. This testing is a critical part of our school's mitigation strategy because asymptomatic testing helps detect and limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. To provide consent for this testing, if you have not already done so, please complete this form. For more information on BHES testing protocols, please visit the BHES PTA website.


Show your BHES spirit by visiting our online store! More adult items just added so the whole family can join in.  


Accidents happen, and sometimes students soil or wet their clothes at school, and the school administration helps them change into something more comfortable. We are asking for gently used clothing donations of varying sizes to keep at school for these emergencies. There is a bin in front of BHES, and we thank you for your contributions! The most needed items are: unisex sweat pants, socks, and unisex shirts for grades K-2.  Anything that the school administration does not use may be donated to Weller Road. 


Principal's Monthly Newsletter
Click here to read Mrs. Caroscio's October newsletter.


Questions, comments, suggestions for the PTA? Contact PTA Co-Presidents Jen Villani and Molly Wilson at bradleyhillsptaprez@gmail.com

Have news to share in the Weekly Whale? Contact Communications Chair Tara Peterson at bhescommunications@gmail.com

Want to volunteer? Contact Volunteer Chair Joanna Marsh at bhesvolunteers@gmail.com

Visit our website at www.bhespta.com


Join or Donate to the PTA: Fill out the PTA membership and donation form found HERE or login A to Z Directory (https://bhespta.membershiptoolkit.com), select “Membership” on the left side menu then "Join" and/or "donate" .

Clip Box Tops and Register Your Grocery Store Cards: Don’t forget to clip and turn in box tops in the school office and register your grocery store cards at www.escrip.com (school ID: 6477724) and www.giantfood.com/aplus (school ID: 00665).

Shop at Amazon Via www.bhespta.comClick through to Amazon at www.bhespta.com and a percentage of your purchases goes to the PTA. Also, choose BHES when using the Amazon Smiles program. Click here to go directly to Amazon and support BHES!

BHES staff and PTA volunteers can post informational emails via AtoZ by sending the email to: BHESAtoZConnect@gmail.com. Please include PLEASE POST in the subject line.  Ads or announcements for non-school sponsored events can be sent to the community announcements moderator at BHEScommunityannouncements@gmail.com.

If you do NOT want to receive these informational emails in the future, you may click "unsubscribe" at the bottom of any AtoZConnect email.  Warning - by unsubscribing you will no longer receive updates about any PTA events.  

To access your AtoZConnect account anytime to update your directory/contact info and/or to pay your annual BHES PTA family membership dues of $35, go to https://bhespta.membershiptoolkit.com/home If you forgot your password, go to the link and click "Forgot password."  

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