Originally delivered on 9/18/2022 5:28 pm

SUBJECT: Weekly Whale 9/18


Kudos to Joanna Marsh for a job well done with Volunteer Training to get us all ready for a fantastic year ahead! A huge thank you to Kate and Eli Kogan for hosting Membership 411. Great food and great company! Many thanks to the entire Back to School Picnic Committee (Monica Sukatme, Tracy Sislen, Sara Weiser and Okan Duzyol) for planning an epic event and to Audrey Adams and Terrance Goggin for their help in pulling it off! Kudos to Ivey Castleberry and Jessica Castleberry for wrangling BHES spiritwear! Huge thanks to Nam Rastogi for helping to make sure that both Membership 411 and the Back to School Picnic were successful events!


September 26 – Non-Instructional Day (No School)

October 5 – Non-Instructional Day (No School)

October 10 – Indigenous Peoples’ Day (School Open)

October 11 – PTA General Meeting (7:30pm)

October 13 - Board of Ed Virtual Candidate Forum (7:00-8:30pm)

October 15 – Adults only BHEF Fall social (6-9 pm)

October 20 – BHEF Five Guys Night Fundraiser (5-9 pm)



Please mark your calendars for the first general PTA meeting of the year, which will take place on Tuesday, October 11th at 7:30pm. In addition to hearing from BHES school administration and your PTA Board, we are pleased to announce that speakers from Be SMART will join us to discuss the importance of secure gun storage to protect our children and communities. 


The MCCPTA is hosting an Advocacy Priorities workshop on Sept 21. This is an opportunity to share your input as the MCPS priorities are developed for 2022/2023. If you have any feedback, please email bhesptamccptacluster@gmail.com. To read last year’s priorities, visit MCCPTA Priorities 2021/2022.


Order your Fall 2022 Bradley Hills Limited Edition T-shirt today and help the PTA raise funds to benefit students, teachers and classrooms! Click here to order and have shipped to your home: https://www.customink.com/fundraising/bradley-hills-elementary-tie-dye-fundraiser. The ordering system will only be open until Saturday, October 1, so be sure to order soon!  


Our Fall After School Enrichment schedule, provided by Baroody Camps, is available NOW. The Fall session will run from Oct 18 – Dec 16 with classes available Tuesdays – Fridays. (No enrichment on Mondays this Fall.) Please see the attached flyer for the class schedule and pricing information. More details about each class and registration information can be found online at Bradley Hills PTA Enrichment Programs, powered by Baroody Camps (https://bc-mco-bradleyhills.jumbula.com/#/fall-2022). You will also be able to register directly from this site beginning on Tuesday, Sept 27 at 10am. Don’t delay! Your favorite class will fill up quickly.

Parents - Don't let your kids have all the fun! Consider joining the team and becoming an on-site coordinator while classes are in session at Bradley Hills. See the action first hand! This is a paid position by Baroody Camps. Flexible hours and days of the week available.

Email Laurel Keating at laurel.keating@gmail.com with any questions.


League of Women Voters of Montgomery County, Montgomery County Council of PTAs, NAACP-Montgomery County, and other organizations will host a virtual (and non-partisan) Board of Education Virtual Candidate Forum moderated by Dr. Janelle Wong of the University of Maryland on Thursday, October 13th at 7pm. A flyer with further is below, and you may register for the forum here.


Principal's Monthly Newsletter
Click here to read Mrs. Caroscio's September newsletter.


Questions, comments, suggestions for the PTA? Contact PTA President Jenni Weinstein at bradleyhillsptaprez@gmail.com

Have PTA news to share or Community Event Information? Contact Communications Chair Lesley Freiman at bhescommunications@gmail.com

Want to volunteer? Please sign up here

Visit our website at www.bhespta.com


Join or Donate to the PTA: Fill out the PTA membership and donation form found HERE or login A to Z Directory (https://bhespta.membershiptoolkit.com), select “Membership” on the left side menu then "Join" and/or "donate" .

Scan Receipts for Box Tops and Register Your Grocery Store Cards: Download the box tops app and scan grocery store receipts to redeem box tops earnings for BHES. Register your grocery store cards at www.escrip.com (school ID: 6477724) and www.giantfood.com/aplus (school ID: 00665).

Amazon Smile when Amazon Shopping: There are three easy ways to earn money for BHES while shopping on Amazon. 1. Click through to Amazon at www.bhespta.com. 2. Type Smile.Amazon.com into your browser when you shop or 3. Open the Amazon app on your phone, find "settings" in the main menu, then tap AmazonSmile and follow on-screen instructions. A portion of your purchases will be sent to BHES.

BHES staff and PTA volunteers can post informational emails via AtoZ by sending the email to: BHESAtoZConnect@gmail.com. Please include PLEASE POST in the subject line.  Ads or announcements for non-school sponsored events can be sent to the community announcements moderator at BHEScommunityannouncements@gmail.com.

If you do NOT want to receive these informational emails in the future, you may click "unsubscribe" at the bottom of any AtoZConnect email.  Warning - by unsubscribing you will no longer receive updates about any PTA events.  

To access your AtoZConnect account anytime to update your directory/contact info and/or to pay your annual BHES PTA family membership dues of $35, go to https://bhespta.membershiptoolkit.com/home If you forgot your password, go to the link and click "Forgot password."  

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