iHola, comunidad de Bradley Hills!
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of the Bradley Hills PTA invites you to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. iVamos a celebrar!
National Hispanic Heritage Month is observed from September 15 to October 15, and celebrates the histories, cultures and contributions of Americans whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. Read more...
Please join the PTA for our first General Membership Meeting of the 2022-2023 school year October 11 @7:30PM in the All Purpose Room at BHES! Hear updates from our Principal, Ms. Caroscio, meet our Board members and discuss plans for the year ahead. We will vote on the BHES PTA 2022-2023 Budget. We are pleased to announce that speakers from Be SMART will join us to discuss the importance of secure gun storage to protect our children and communities. Please click the links for a full Agenda, and the proposed BHES PTA Budget. We look forward to seeing you there!
BHES is participating in Manna Food Center's Kids Helping Kids (KHK) campaign in October. KHK mobilizes Montgomery County schools to raise food and funds for their hungry peers across the county. Participation in this program teaches children valuable lessons about hunger, engages them in giving, and shows them that they have the power to make a difference in their community.
BHES is having both an in-kind food drive from October 1-17 as well as a virtual food drive during the entire month of October.
Virtual food drive - Please visit our school page to make online donations: https://secure.qgiv.com/event/khk22/team/907818/
Please share this page with anyone you think may want to support our cause.
In-kind donations can be dropped off at Manna collection boxes located in the front foyer of BHES or at the entrance of 5708 Glenwood Road.
To volunteer for this effort and for more information, contact Veronica Velez-Burgess vvelezburgess@yahoo.com. Thank you for joining this county-wide effort to fight hunger!
After school enrichment registration is open through Tuesday, October 4 at 11:59pm. The full schedule of classes is attached and more details can be found at https://bc-mco-bradleyhills.jumbula.com/#/fall-2022.
Click HERE to register. There is still space in great classes including art, theater, chess, cooking and sports. Entrepreneurs club needs just a few more to run. Or join the waiting list for your favorite class. Email Baroody Camps at info@baroodycamps.com with any registration questions or concerns.