Originally delivered on 1/8/2023 4:30 pm

SUBJECT: Weekly Whale 1/8


Thank you to Sari Wilde and Sogun Hongfor a great Read-a-Thon! Students logged more than 200,00 reading minutes and families raised more than $10,000 to support the PTA! 

Thank you to those who generously donated clothes for our Weller Road donation drive! We filled an SUV with high-quality and much needed donations. Thank you also for donating more than 60 gift cards that allowed Weller Road families in need to prepare warm meals for their families over the holidays. Your support is deeply appreciated. Spout outs to Veronica Velez-Burgess and Melissa Davis for coordinating the drives. Thank you also to Natalie Ram for organizing the lost-and-found items to be donated to Weller Road.  


January 16 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)

January 12 & 13 – BHES Classroom Spelling Bees (4th & 5th Grade)

January 20 – Whale Mart (8:45AM)

January 20 – Birthday Bash (2:30PM)

January 27 – End of Quarter (No School)

February 9 – BHES School-Wide Spelling Bee

February 23 – BHES Heritage Night



Mark your calendars for the Bradley Hills Spelling Bee! Classroom bees for 4th and 5th graders will be held on January 12 and 13. Each classroom winner and runner-up will be eligible to compete in the BHES schoolwide bee on February 9. The BHES spelling bee winner will go on to represent the school in the regional bee and have a chance to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.

This is a great BHES tradition and requires parent volunteers to help run the classroom bees each year. If you are available in the morning for at least an hour on either day, please let us know. Any BHES parent can volunteer (although you can't volunteer for your own child's bee). You'll be trained on how to run a classroom bee, and it is a fun, limited time commitment. Please contact PTA Spelling Bee committee chair Tomoko Mullaney at tomoko.hosaka@gmail.com for more information


Registration for after-school enrichment will be open through Tuesday, January 10 at 11:59 pm. There are still some great classes with availability and a waitlist list for those that have already filled.

The Winter session will run from Jan 23 – March 16 with classes available Mondays – Thursdays. (No enrichment on Fridays this Winter.)  Please see the flyer (below) for the class schedule and pricing information. More details about each class and registration can be found online at Bradley Hills PTA Enrichment Programs, powered by Baroody Camps (https://bc-mco-bradleyhills.jumbula.com/ - /winter-2023

All after school enrichment classes are held onsite at Bradley Hills from 3:35 – 4:35pm. Students go directly from their classrooms to their enrichment programs. This program is provided in partnership with Baroody Camps and is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Montgomery County School Board, the Superintendent or Bradley Hills Elementary School. Email Laurel Keating at laurel.keating@gmail.com or Baroody Camps at info@baroodycamps.com with any questions.


What is Heritage Night? It is a beloved tradition at Bradley Hills. Each year, we open up the school for one evening and children and their families can "tour the world", visiting various tables with displays that celebrate cultures, traditions, countries, and religions. Tables are set up by volunteer families. It's always lots of fun, and very educational.

Are you interested in hosting a table at Heritage Night on February 23rd? We would love your support in celebrating cultural diversity at Bradley Hills! Heritage tables may include informative posters, displays, arts and crafts, music, instruments, and also food and beverages. Be creative! Sign-up to represent your heritage (country, region, state, religion, cultural tradition) here by February 10th.

Please also let us know if you're interested in being on the organizing committee, or helping with overall set-up/clean-up for Heritage Night by emailing vvelezburgess@yahoo.com.


Weller Road, our Title 1 Sister School, would like to set up its book fair where students will be able to shop for books free of charge. We will have a new or gently used book drive to supply the WR book fair. We will accept children's books for Pre-K to 5th grade. 

We'll share more details soon, but for now, please gather any books that your kids would like to share with another eager reader! Thank you!


It is time to start thinking about the 2023 Bradley Hills Elementary School Variety Show. More details to come, but for now: 

 1.  Kids: Start thinking of your act!! We are looking for all types of acts - dancers, singers, musicians, martial artists, gymnasts, comedians, magicians, or other special talents. The more creative the better. We recommend group acts, although we welcome single performers, and we strongly suggest you do not do a skit. Please keep in mind that performances are limited to 2 minutes for 4th/5th graders; 1 minute 45 seconds for 2nd/3rd graders; and 1 minute 30 seconds for K/1st graders.

2.  Parents: Volunteer! Being a part of the Variety Show team is not only incredibly fun and exciting, but it is also a truly rewarding experience to work together with other parents and students in order to help make this special night come alive for our kids. All interested volunteers please email bradleyhillsvarietyshow2023@gmail.com 

 3.  5th graders: There are two traditions that are unique to fifth graders: participating as an emcee and/or participating in the 5th grade song that closes the show. We will need 5th grade parent volunteers to make this happen. Please email us at bradleyhillsvarietyshow2023@gmail.com if you're willing to help.  

 Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions!

 Daniel Pinha & Molly Wilson 


Athletic Shoe Recycling Drive: We will be collecting used athletic shoes too worn to be suitable for donation/ reuse from January 3rd to January 13th for recycling. Please place athletic sneakers (but not sandals, dress shoes, boots, or shoes with metal (like cleats or spikes)) in the box in the front foyer of BHES.

Also, a reminder that recycling of prescription glasses, batteries, glue sticks and markers continues all year. Those boxes are outside Mrs. Hicks’ room (107).

Trex: The Trex plastic film recycling challenge is off to a great start with over 100 lbs of film recycled in just the first month!

Compost Kudos: Students are continuing to do a great job and were able to divert 705 lbs of food from landfills and incinerators in November. 

Thank you! - Green Team


Principal's Monthly Newsletter
Click here to read Mrs. Caroscio's January newsletter. 


Questions, comments, suggestions for the PTA? Contact PTA President Jenni Weinstein at bradleyhillsptaprez@gmail.com

Have PTA news to share or Community Event Information? Contact Communications Chair Lesley Freiman at bhescommunications@gmail.com

Want to volunteer? Please sign up here

Visit our website at www.bhespta.com

Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/bradleywhalespta/(NEW!)


Join or Donate to the PTA: Fill out the PTA membership and donation form found HERE or login A to Z Directory (https://bhespta.membershiptoolkit.com), select “Membership” on the left side menu then "Join" and/or "donate" .

Scan Receipts for Box Tops and Register Your Grocery Store Cards: Download the box tops app and scan grocery store receipts to redeem box tops earnings for BHES. Register your grocery store cards at www.escrip.com (school ID: 6477724) and www.giantfood.com/aplus (school ID: 00665).

Amazon Smile when Amazon Shopping: There are three easy ways to earn money for BHES while shopping on Amazon. 1. Click through to Amazon at www.bhespta.com. 2. Type Smile.Amazon.com into your browser when you shop or 3. Open the Amazon app on your phone, find "settings" in the main menu, then tap AmazonSmile and follow on-screen instructions. A portion of your purchases will be sent to BHES.

BHES staff and PTA volunteers can post informational emails via AtoZ by sending the email to: BHESAtoZConnect@gmail.com. Please include PLEASE POST in the subject line.  Ads or announcements for non-school sponsored events can be sent to the community announcements moderator at BHEScommunityannouncements@gmail.com.

If you do NOT want to receive these informational emails in the future, you may click "unsubscribe" at the bottom of any AtoZConnect email.  Warning - by unsubscribing you will no longer receive updates about any PTA events.  

To access your AtoZConnect account anytime to update your directory/contact info and/or to pay your annual BHES PTA family membership dues of $35, go to https://bhespta.membershiptoolkit.com/home If you forgot your password, go to the link and click "Forgot password."  

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